What is a Trichologist?

More information on Trichology and what I do.

What is Trichology?

Trichology is the study of the hair and scalp. Considered the bridge between cosmetology and dermatology, Trichologist study and specialize in hair loss and scalp disorders.

What does a Trichologist do?

Trichologist’s specialize in in hair loss and scalp disorders. We identify specific types of hair loss and scalp concerns and assist in mitigating and hopefully correcting these concerns.

What does a consultation with a Trichologist look like?

A Consultation is your first step to getting help with your hair loss or scalp. The consultation process takes about 1.5 hours and includes:

+Pre consultation form- to be filled out prior to the consultation, this includes information related to health, habits and history that give me important and necessary information related to your hair and scalp.

+In person review of form and questions or concerns- our time to go over your form and you can ask and tell me anything you would like me to know about your hair.

+Physical examination- Examination of the hair and scalp including using a trichoscope to see the hair, scalp and follicles highly magnified which helps with my assessment.

+Conclusion and recommendation for further testing and treatment-I will give my best assessment of my findings and if necessary recommend further testing to get more information and also give my recommendations for treatments for the hair loss or for the scalp condition.

Should I see a Trichologist?

Anyone who is concerned with hair loss or a scalp condition can benefit from seeing a trichologist. If you are looking for a holistic solution to your hair loss or scalp concern, you’ve come to the right place. Because a trichologist solely focuses on the hair and scalp, we are able to give a very through and detail oriented approach to your concern. Our goal is to really understand what is causing your issue so it can be treated and monitored properly.

Treatment Options

Treatment options are constantly being updated with the progression of science. Current treatment options include:

-Hair Loss Plans consisting of topicals(both natural and active) and nutrients

-Low Level Light Therapy (Red light therapy)

-Growth Factor Treatments with nano needling

-COMING VERY SOON-ALMA TED! A non-invasive, highly effective- ultra sound based hair regrowth system

+I also offer Epigenetic Hair Follicle Mapping Testing through For Healthy Cells. A Great first step in your hair growth journey, this is a hair skin and nails(and general optimal health) focused test. We take 4 hairs and their roots, mail them in, and we are presented with over 30 pages of information that captures over 800 underlying indicators that help us pinpoint unknown factors that are contributing to your hair loss. It includes information on 9 separate elements of your nutritional profile like Vitamins, Minerals, Foods, and Environment. More information at forhealthycells.com

I proudly use hair loss and scalp products from Xtreme Total Care and have selected these treatment options based on their effectiveness and low degree of invasiveness.